Life is tough. We can sidestep now and then, we can run a while but every now and then we have to take the bull by the horns. The greatest adventures are the stories that were told when someone faced adversity upfront, when they stood up straight and took the impact, and sooner or later found the strength to stand up again. That is life, take on the adventure.
____________________________Vat die bul by die horings
Die lewe is taai. Soms kan ons ‘n systap gee, ons kan selfs hardloop vir ‘n ruk maar elke nou en dan moet ons die bul by die horings pak. Die grootste avonture is dikwels van die wat teëspoed reg in die oë kon kyk, rug reguit maak en die impak weerstaan. En dan kort voor lank weer die krag kon vind om weer op te staan. Dit is die lewe, maak dit ‘n avontuur.
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